Jul 13, 2010

happy birthday guys!!!

to all my friends who were born in July...

On 12th july & 13th july....NABE' n PONGek!!!
Then..APAM..17th July!!

22nd of July...HAMZAH!!!Nabe's MAN~~ (^_^)
 Take a good care to Nabe'..please don't ever make her broken heart!!

let's sing birthday's song to them...

happy birthday to you .. 
♫♪squashed tomatoes and stew
bread and butter ♪♫♪♪ 
in the gutter ♫♪ 
happy birthday to you!♪♫♪ 
♫♪♪♫♪ happy birthday to you...  
you were born in the zoo
♫♪♪you were born with the monkeys
and you look like one too...♫♪♪♫♪

super happiest of birthdays,,guys!!! 
you all are the best old friends ever!!
thank you for the friendship through out all of the years!!
cepat-cepat kahwin!!
♥ you all!! 

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