Dec 9, 2011

Surprises Anniversary Party?

Sumpah terharu! Terharu sangat-sangat.
Walaupun setelah merajuk dan selepas lupa 19 hari, I'm still touched.
Siap ada pelakon-pelakon handalan tanpa script lak tu, disebabkan tanpa script la dialog-dialog pelakon handalan jadi merapu. Please lepas ni jadi sutradara yang hebat sikit boleh?
Whatever it is, thank you so much guysssss!!
Love you all!!

p/s: Ini satu lagi entri yang patutnya I post last month tapi baru sekarang tekan PUBLISH POST. Konon-kononnya nak tunggu gambar daripada Si Lelaki bernama Asrul! sorry Asrul, I mention juga nama you!Siapa suruh tak bagi! 
Nampaknya sampai I dah kahwin & beranak pinak nanti dapat tak gambar tu?
Eh, Okay! Peace! Bye! 

Dec 8, 2011

1 Disember 2011, 6 Muharram 1433H detik permulaan

New month, New environment, New location, New friends, New field, New work, New career, New life... Everything's NEW!

1st December 2011 / 6 Muharram 1433H
I'm beginning a new phase of my life and starting a new job.
What a great way to start the Muharram.. I'm feeling really grateful!  Please wish me luck and have a good future here!! I may need it!  InsyaAllah..but I'm still nervous!!grrrr..
Is it true?? Nahhhh,you should think the best for yourself dude!! p/s: I should post this entry last week but I forgot to click PUBLISH POST! Boooooo ME! Erk?

Dec 4, 2011

Fast food? Carbonated drink?

Lesson for us..!
Sangat-sangat menakutkan.
Mari kat muhasabah diri dan jauhi fast food dan air gas!!